
Fame | Kevin J Worthen net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

Does Kevin J Worthen have any children? What are the names of Kevin J Worthen's children? What are the ages of Kevin J Worthen's children?

Kevin J Worthen Children: 3

How old is Kevin J Worthen? When is Kevin J Worthen's birthday? Where is Kevin J Worthen born? Where did Kevin J Worthen grow up from? What's Kevin J Worthen's age?

Kevin J Worthen Born: 1956 (age 67years), Dragerton, East Carbon, UT

How about Kevin J Worthen's education?

Kevin J Worthen Education: Brigham Young University, Utah State University Eastern

How about Kevin J Worthen's nationality?

Kevin J Worthen Nationality: American

Is BYU President Worthen released?

President Worthen accepts two distinguished appointments

Just one month after leaving the president's office, Kevin J Worthen has been named as a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at Yale Law School and the first BYU Wheatley Institute Distinguished Fellow in Constitutional Government.

Is President of BYU a calling?

President Worthen accepts two distinguished appointments

Just one month after leaving the president's office, Kevin J Worthen has been named as a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at Yale Law School and the first BYU Wheatley Institute Distinguished Fellow in Constitutional Government.

How long does the president of BYU serve?

President Worthen accepts two distinguished appointments

Just one month after leaving the president's office, Kevin J Worthen has been named as a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at Yale Law School and the first BYU Wheatley Institute Distinguished Fellow in Constitutional Government.

What is Kevin Worthen doing now?

President Worthen accepts two distinguished appointments

Just one month after leaving the president's office, Kevin J Worthen has been named as a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at Yale Law School and the first BYU Wheatley Institute Distinguished Fellow in Constitutional Government.


Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-05-28