
My wife is going on holiday without me | Life and style

Private livesLife and style This article is more than 9 years old

My wife is going on holiday without me

This article is more than 9 years oldShe has announced that she is taking time off work to go away with a friend, leaving me at home to look after the children and pets. I don’t feel this is fair

My wife has announced her intention to go away somewhere hot with a (female) friend. She will take a week off work while I stay at home with older teenage children and pets. While supportive of her need for, and right to, freedom, I am jealous and upset as I do not have the opportunity to go –neither have I been asked. I would not have suggested such a venture for myself, as I feel it is selfish. She has been under much stress (from external sources) in the past year. I have been her sounding board and understand her need for space, but, while she is sunning herself, I will be carrying on family and work life as normal. How can I reconcile this in my own mind?

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Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-05-05